Spinal Cord Injuries
Spinal Cord Injuries in Florida
The Barber Firm, LLC, Consumer Personal Injury Advocacy
Spinal cord injuries often force their victims to restructure their lives entirely. You may need a new vehicle or you may even need to remodel your home. And you will likely need continuing medical care for years to come. Your settlement should compensate you for all of these expenses. To do that, you need an experienced, skilled attorney.
We Handle All Types of Injuries …
Spinal cord injuries can result from any of a number of injuries to the spine. The Barber Firm, LLC, we represent injured consumers struggling with:
• Fractured vertebrae
• Spondylolisthesis
• Paralysis, paraplegia, and paraparesis
• Quadriplegia and quadriparesis
These can result in more than just impaired or lost use of limbs. It can result in pain, incontinence, and loss of sexual function as well. It's important that the insurance company isn't allowed to ignore these "quality of life" issues.
Mr. Barber Will Work Directly With You
Our law firm charges no upfront fees or costs unless we are able to recover a settlement, award, verdict or judgment is obtained on your behalf. You can find out if we're the right firm for you during a no-risk free consultation. To meet Zedrick Barber II, call (561) 221-1708 or contact us online today.